
Greg Owens

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Oct 10, 2023

近年来,货轮火警的报告数目有所增加,超过 200 reported fire incidents on shipping vessels in 2022 alone – the highest total for a decade. 在过去的五年里,有64艘船在火灾中丧生. 据报道,许多船舶火灾都是由于误报危险货物造成的, such as chemicals, batteries and charcoal.

皇家88账户注册最近调查了多起涉及木炭货物的海上火灾. 皇家88账户注册些事件中的货物都是木炭盘或药片, also known as hookah coals, shisha coals, hookah charcoal, shisha charcoal, nargila coal, coal discs or coal tablets. 用于加热烟草,以便在水烟或“水管”中吸烟。, 皇家88账户注册些药片通常用箔管包装,每盒约10片,然后装在有品牌的纸板箱里.

Dangerous Goods

木炭被认为是一种自热物质,有自燃的危险, 哪一种能引起火灾并对船舶及其货物造成相当大的损害. Because of this, 它被列入国际海运危险货物(IMDG)规则, under UN 1361, with the shipping name “CARBON animal or vegetable origin”. Material falling under UN 1361 is described as:

Black material originating from organic sources. Particularly includes carbon blacks, 其他非活性炭材料和由骨头等材料生产的木炭, 竹子, coconut shell, jute and wood. Liable to heat slowly and ignite spontaneously in air. 供装运的材料应在包装前冷却到环境温度.

根据国际危规,un1361所列货物属于第4类.2, “容易自燃的物质”,包括“焦性物质”及“自热物质”. This would include shisha charcoal, which is typically made from coconut shells, fruit woods, 竹子 or other hardwoods.

IMDG Special Provision 925 Exemption for Charcoal

国际危规特别条文第925条准许木炭货物豁免申报为危险品. To be considered non-dangerous, 然而, the product needs to meet the criteria stated in Part 3, Chapter 3.3, of the code, as follows:

如果通过了自热物质的测试,托运的碳, as reflected in the Manual of Tests and Criteria (see, 并附有由主管当局认可的实验室出具的证书,说明要装载的产品已由该实验室训练有素的工作人员正确取样,样品已经过正确测试并通过了测试.

The test referred to above is UN Test N.4. 该试验的第一阶段包括将一个装满“商业形式”产品的金属丝网立方体放置在保持温度为140°C的测试烤箱中,持续24小时. 如果样品的内部温度在测试期间的任何时候都没有超过烤箱温度60°C以上,并且没有显示任何点燃的证据,则产品通过测试.

If the sample passes the first stage, 认为该产品不应归类为第4类自热物质.2. If it fails, it is deemed to fall under Class 4.2和进一步的测试阶段需要确定包装组.

Ensuring the Safety of Charcoal Cargoes

承运人必须警惕识别含有木炭的货物, 因为木炭货物经常被误报,可能导致火灾. 提单和其他单据通常没有向承运人表明货物中含有木炭. For example, in our investigations, we have seen various descriptions, such as “tablets for water pipe”, “water pipe accessories” and “hookah accessories”, being used for cargoes of shisha/hookah charcoal, often accompanied by HS Codes that do not relate to charcoal.

国际危规特别规定925的一个重要部分是货物必须是 附有经主管当局认可的实验室出具的证书。. 承运人应确保未申报为危险品的木炭货物提供此类证书.

然而, 以上述方式描述的货物通常没有提供将木炭货物申报为非危险品所需的测试证书. Therefore, 看来皇家88账户注册样的货物描述可能被故意用来掩盖木炭的存在,并将货物误报为非危险品.

How can this issue be addressed? 为申报为危险品的木炭货物所采取的预防措施,也应适用于被视为不属于第4类的木炭货物.2、“自热物质”,因特殊规定925豁免. 皇家88账户注册将包括保护容器不直接暴露在阳光和其他热源下,以及在发生火灾时将容器存放在消防目的的可接近的位置.

Headshot of Greg Owens

关于 the author

Greg Owens